Weaving Tracking System

With the help of the weaving production monitoring system, you can instantly follow all your weaving machines in the field and access summary information about your yields. With a click you easily can get information about running batch information and production information.


Yarn Warehouse Entry

ByUsingThisscreenwarehouseyarnentrycanbemadetogether: Bu ekran kullanılarak depo iplik girişi bobin adedi ve kilolarıyla birlikte yapılabilir ve tüm girişler etiketlenebilir.


Yarn Storage Outlet

By using this screen, warehouse yarn entry can be made together with the number of bobbins, weights and all entries can be tagged.


Warp Production

It is the screen that you can use for your warp production entries after the yarns to be used in the warp leave the warehouse. Received productions can be labeled and generally printed out.


Size Production

It is the screen that we can use to apply sizing operations to our beams coming out of the warp. On the right panel, the sizing beams that should occur in theory can be seen. Sizing beams that have been entered can also be labeled.

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